The Go-To
Tuition Centre In
Burnham, Slough

Revolutionary approach towards education
The team at InTuition PYP Burnham and Slough have created a new educational blueprint which supplements the current schooling system, with the aim of developing the hearts and minds of young people.
Here, InTuition adapts the typical learning approach, resulting in fearless learners who have cultivated growth mindsets which thereby allows creativity to flourish.
Launch your child on a powerful new learning journey which equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to help them pursue their purpose.
Our team understands the need for a new approach to learning which:
- Nurtures the individual creativity and talent of each child.
- Equips students with the life skills and knowledge needed to help them grow into purposeful people.
InTuition’s ethos helps to deliver a limitless learning experience which offers more than the constraints of the curriculum.

Our Four Pillars

InTuition PYP offers a unique tutoring service, along with a multitude of resources for primary and secondary school students studying KS1, KS2, KS3, GCSE, and Slough A-Level curriculums.

Home Schooling
We provide a range of specialist services which support home schooling families, comprising of classes, structured learning programmes, and access to the InTuition PYP community of other families who have chosen this route.

InTuition Inspire
This project aims to ignite love for learning by offering a range of experiences that are not necessarily available in educational establishments. Experience talks from experts, workshops to spark the imagination, and opportunities to explore a world of knowledge.

PYP Mentorships
Pursue Your Purpose.
“No significant learning can take place without a significant relationship,” James Comer
Here, the team at InTuition PYP collaborates with students and parents in order to facilitate the learning process. We aim to help students feel invested in their goals.
Why Choose Us?
So many education centres exist, promising to help children achieve their “potential”.
- But what is your child’s “true potential”?
Is it to achieve the best grades in their exams? - Or, is it finding a sense of fulfillment, passion, and understanding of who they are?
The team at InTuition PYP are dedicated to helping your child on their journey to answering those questions.
We believe that Purpose, Passion, and Potential have an innate relationship; by locating one’s purpose, one can foster passion. Potential is thereby achieved – allowing the PYP Theory to be intercalated. InTuition views education as an enriching experience rather than a tedious burden.
Experience the InTuition PYP difference for yourself – Get in touch here!

Our Blog
How to get a 9 in GCSE English Language
English language is one of the subjects (along with English literature and maths) that students across England and Whales are required to pass in order to carry on higher education in sixth form or college, or to go into work or an apprenticeship. As such, it is of...
How to revise for GCSE Chemistry and get top marks! (9/A*)
Chemistry is often understood as a “core” science, meaning it is one of the three natural sciences, along with biology and physics. A good grade in a subject like chemistry opens the path to many new opportunities. A high grade is required to study history at a...
SATs Preparation Year 6 – How to ensure your child succeeds
Are you a parent, stressed about the fact your child is about to start the dreaded SATs? Or are you a year six student, having your head filled with constant pressure about this new exam? Well fret not! We here as InTuition PYO have put together this easy to read and...
Lets Get in Touch!
Have any questions about our services? Call us direct, or fill out the form below!